General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


jLiving – Jewish Community Housing Association – needs to process personal data to be able to deliver services to applicants, tenants and leaseholders.

  • To provide, manage and develop appropriate housing.
  • To provide a reactive and planned maintenance and property service.
  • To provide and manage day-to-day services including intensive housing management services for the purpose of tenancy sustainment.


We are committed to treating your information securely, respectfully and in accordance with data protection laws.

You can access our policy documents on our website –


Recording Personal Information About You

Most of the information that we hold about you will have come from you when you applied to us for housing and during your tenancy with us. We may, however, also obtain information from third parties such as the local authority, your doctor – for medical information in support of your application and to assist in arranging assistance during your tenancy, a previous landlord or one of jLiving’s community partners.

We will always explain why we need your information and how we will use it. We will only ask for information that is relevant and necessary for us to be able to deliver our services to you.


We may include additional information about you, for example if you have mobility difficulties or a sensory impairment, for us to be able to deliver our services more effectively to you.


Information Sharing

On occasion we are required to share your information with organisations that we work with or who provide services on our behalf. The Association will only share information that is relevant, and we will ensure that your information remains secure.


The Association may need to share information to provide services under contract or via our contractors. We may need to share your contact details with our maintenance contractors or where it is in our legitimate business interests, for example telling a utility company that you have moved, and you have responsibility for the payment of the bills. In cases such as these we do not need to ask for your consent. You have the right to object to us processing your data, however, only based on ‘legitimate interests’.

jLiving will share information:

  • To meet our legal obligations.
  • In connection with legal proceedings or where we are instructed to do so by Court Order.
  • To protect the vital interests of an individual in a life-or-death situation.


When the information that needs to be shared is defined as ‘special’ for example information about health, ethnicity, religion etc. the Association will generally ask for your consent before any information is shared, unless we are required or permitted to share this by law.


Verification of Identity

The Association may need to ask for proof of your identity, where necessary, for services to be delivered or to ensure your eligibility for our services during the assessment process. Likewise, if you change your name and the Association needs to update its records, verification will be required. The Association may also verify your identity should you submit a Subject Access Request, and we may request additional identity checks when communicating with one of your representatives on the telephone.


Accurate and Up to Date

The Association asks that all applicants, tenants and leaseholders advise us if any information changes, so that records can be kept up to date. For example, if you change your telephone number or email address. The Association does not keep any information for longer than necessary and the Association’s Data Retention Policy, on the jLiving website, states for how long information is kept.


Consent & Promotion of Services

The Association will use your contact details to communicate with you about all matters related to your tenancy and your primary relationship with the Association.


The Association does not have the ability or desire to send unrelated electronic marketing of any kind, nor will the Association sell your details to 3rd parties for the purposes of marketing.


Your Rights

You may ask for a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. This is known as a Subject Access Request – SAR. All requests must be put in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive. You may be asked to provide proof of identity.


All details relating to your rights in relation to your personal data may be found on the Association’s website.

Examples of where we may need to share your information:

Statutory bodies – legal and government organisations

  • Local Authorities – Social Services, Environmental Health, Council Tax.
  • Health Authorities.
  • DWP & Housing Benefit.
  • The Social Housing Regulator and or the Homes and Communities Agency, and any other successor body.

The Police and others within the criminal justice system

  • Probation Services.
  • HM Prison Services.

Non-legal organisations

  • Other housing associations and landlords.
  • Utility companies – e.g. electricity.
  • Credit Reference Agencies & Debt Collection Agencies.

Your representatives

  • A nominated friend, family member or solicitor.
  • Local Councillor or MP.
  • Medical professionals.

Persons or organisations associated with jLiving

  • Maintenance contractors.
  • Other organisations carrying out work or contracts on behalf of jLiving e.g. – to carry out a tenant survey.


jLIving is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office – reg no. – Z6491171.

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